21 October 2024
2023/01/03 - 08:57
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Statement On the assassination









ソレイマニ司令官は、テロとの戦い、特に非道なDAESHの排除において重要な役割を果たし、地域および国際レベルでの平和と安定の確立に貢献しました。ISISが地域に暗い翼を広げ、大量虐殺と破壊を解き放つと、ソレイマニ司令官は、ISISによる大量虐殺の可能性にさらされていたキリスト教徒やヤジディ教徒などの宗教的・民族的少数派を守るためにすぐに対応しました。  このような役割と立場にもかかわらず、米国政府は、国際法と国際人権法の基本的な規則と原則に違反する犯罪行為として、殉教者ソレイマニ司令官を暗殺しました。国際的に認められたテロ対策の英雄を公に暗殺するという、当時の米国当局による違法かつ不当な行為は、米国の偽善と二重基準のアプローチを裏付けるものであります。この犯罪行為は、生きる権利を含む重大な人権侵害であり、組織的に実行されたものであります。国際法上、米国政府はこの犯罪と国際的な不正行為に対して「決定的な国際責任」を負っています。




国家テロは、国際法と人権の最も明白で基本的な原則の定義と実施においてさえ、二重基準を明らかにしました。 米国によるこの種の二重基準や偽善の例は、国際社会の現代史に数多く存在します。





The Statement
of the Islamic Republic of Iran Embassy in Tokyo

On the assassination of the national Hero General Qasem Soleimani


General Qasem Soleimani and his four companions were assassinated on January 3, 2020, during an official visit to the Republic of Iraq.

 Based on legal and international standards, the US government bears ‘definite international responsibility’ for this crime. In this context, all the agents and principals, instigators, perpetrators and aiders, and abettors of this terrorist crime bear responsibility.

With reference to the report of Ms. Agnes Callamard, the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary, or arbitrary executions, No A/HRC/44/38 dated 15 August 2020 on the Use of armed drones for targeted killings, in which she has recognized the assassination of General Soleimani as the violation of three categories of law, including international law, international humanitarian law and international human rights law, has the honor to state the followings for the consideration of all Human Rights Mechanisms.

General Soleimani played a key role in fighting against terrorism, particularly in eliminating the atrocious DAESH and to help establish peace and stability at the regional and international levels. As ISIS spread its dark wings in the region, unleashing Genocide and destruction, General Soleimani rushed to defend religious and ethnic minorities, like Christians and Yazidis who’d been caught in the crosshairs of a potential genocide by ISIS.   Despite this role and position, the US government, in a criminal act that violates the basic rules and principles of international law and international human rights law, assassinated Martyr General Soleimani. The illegal and wrongful act by then-US officials to publicly assassinate an internationally recognized Counter Terrorism Hero confirms the hypocrisy and double standard approach by the US. This criminal act, which was a serious violation of human rights, including the right to life, was orchestrated and carried out in an organized manner. Under international law, the US government bears "definitive international responsibility" for this crime and international wrongful act.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has adopted a number of legal measures from the very beginning based on the legal principle of "combating the impunity of criminals" to hold such individuals and entities accountable before the law and will continue on this path until justice is done. Several countries and more than a hundred persons were involved in this crime. The US as a perpetrator and Germany which provided a base for the US drones, in particular, shall be held accountable for this terrorist act.

The act of terrorism against an official and high-ranking military staff of the UN member state was an obvious breach of international law, the Geneva Conventions, and military customs and regulations. This action is an act of crime, and an act of aggression is considered to be a great threat to the peace and security of the world and the region. By assassinating one of the greatest and veteran commanders to fight against terrorism and extremism, the US enervated the axis to combat against Takfiri groups and now the region is engaged in the negative consequences emerging from the lack of a proficient and stalwart commander.

The so-called preventive assassination was categorically meant to eliminate a competent and triumphant force, but soon after it proved to be a miscalculation strategic illusion exercised by an awkward quasi-politician, prompted by associate elements and facilitated by hypocrites.

The state terrorism revealed double standards even in the definition and implementation of the most evident and basic principle of international law and human rights.  Examples of this kind of double standard and hypocrisy by the US are galore in the contemporary history of the international community.

Nowadays, the people of the region are affected by miscalculations, strategic errors, interventions, and opportunism by the exterior countries. Nations like Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, and Pakistan have been affected by the plague of terrorism and it continues to exist. Terrorism is the common pain of the region and the world, and a lot of pure blood have shed on this path.

Now, three years have passed since the unmanly assassination of Gen. Qasem Soleimani, I.R. Iran is still resolute to hold the committers, supporters, and assistants of this brutal crime accountable and to prosecute them in a fair and equitable court of justice. This action is regarded as an international criminal act indictable in the international tribunals, International Criminal Court (ICC) being one, the scope of the mechanism of which the US escaped some two decades ago in order to evade accountability under such crimes and to provide impunity for the committers of the international crime as such.

The UN Human Rights Mechanisms, including the special procedures and in particular the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, are fairly expected to intervene effectively and to use every tool at their disposal to speak out, call for justice and take the lead in deploring the wicked assassination of General Soleimani free from any selectivity and double standards.

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